Natasha Foucault once literally walked the heels off her boots taking photographs and sketching in the south of France for a new series of silk paintings. It is this unswerving devotion to her work that has produced her brilliant silk paintings and wearable art.
From the black and white world of sense-dulling Moscow winters to the glowing stained glass windows of Prague’s cathedrals, Natasha has found beauty and mystery wherever she opens her eyes to see and to paint.
Once she had experienced the hypnotic effect of liquid dyes moving on shimmering silk fibers, she swore allegiance to the medium of silk painting in order to create her own brilliant style. She has filled gallery walls in several countries with fine art, and sent hundreds of smiling women out of her showroom, their beauty and grace enhanced by the flowing lines of her boldly executed silk clothing.
Her passion to communicate her love of life has led Natasha to extensive artistic journeys through the loveliest cities of Europe and Russia, like Leningrad, Riga, Paris, Venice, Genoa, and Avignon.
Whether her newly purchased auto is being stolen by the Russian mafia the moment it hits the docks, or she is being taken on a wild impromptu insiders’ tour of Istanbul by three enthusiastic Turkish students, she flaunts danger in search of artistic inspiration.
“We Russians are kind of fatalistic. We feel that when your number is up, it’s up. In the meantime, we enjoy life to its fullest”, Natasha reflects.
Her paintings may carry you back to the street scenes and special corners of cities where you’ve traveled, or transport the armchair traveler to a world he or she would love to see but never has. People from all walks of life admire her work. Natasha’s control of the medium in creating reflections in water and glass and fine architectural detail is unmatched.
Now painting from her rooftop studio overlooking San Francisco Bay, Natasha has added images of the California coast and countryside to her repertoire.
Natasha’s works on silk have been exhibited and sold in both museums and commercial galleries throughout the world. In 1995 she had a one-woman exhibit of her silk painting and wearable art at the Silk Museum in Holland. She received second prize at the First International Silk Painting Congress in 1998 for Excellence in Silk Painting and The Best of the Show Award both at 2004 and 2006 Silk-In-Santa Fe Festivals.
Her new book, “Silk Diary, An Artist’s Journey from Moscow to Mendocino“, co-authored with Jeanne-Michele Salander, combines a collection of Natasha’s silk art, stories of her life as an artist, and her signature painting techniques.
Natasha’s paintings are prominently featured in Susan Moyer’s book “Silk Painting for Fashion and Fine Art”.